Learn more about Whitney here: https://www.whitneyformayor.com/
The book that changed my life: https://amzn.to/3ZvZyyF
If you have any questions, connect with me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cameronjgalbraith/
Email me at: cameron@cjgventures.co
Hello everyone and welcome to my podcast series, Compounded Interest, where I sit down with founders, investors, and community leaders making an impact in this world.
As many of you know, I am a resident of New York, a city that I have been proud to call home for the last 2 and a half years. But this time hasn’t been devoid of challenges for the city, which faces new struggles every day, but too often chooses to solve these issues by defaulting to the same system that got it into the mess in the first place.
But that is where Whitney Tilson comes in. Whitney is running to be the next mayor of New York City, and is the only person in the race with a backgroud in business and who has not spent his life as a career politician.
I first became aware of Whitney after I saw a video of Professor Scott Galloway endorsing him and his mayoral run. Shortly after that Bill Ackman and many other wall street leaders have pledged their support to Tilson.
For some background on Whitney, he is currently the editor of Stansberry Research, which provides in-depth research and analysis to over 100,000 paid subscribers. Prior to Stansberry, for nearly 2 decades Whitney founded and ran the hedge fund, Kase Capital Management, which managed assets of over $200 million. A value investor himself, Tilson has co-authored several books on the topic, and was even a contributor to the famous Poor Charlie’s almanc, the definitive book on Berkshire Hathaway Vice Chariman Charlie Munger’s life.
The son of two educators in the Peace Corps, Whitney spent much of his childhood in Tanzania and Nicaragua before attending Harvard for college. And it was actually at Harvard where Whitney first met Bill Ackman, a relationship that has now spanned decades. After his undergraduate degree, Whitney was among the first people to join Wendy Kopp to launch Teach for America. He then spent 2 years as an associate at The Boston Consulting Group before matriculating to Harvard Business School where he later graduated as a Baker Scholar and spent 5 years working with famous HBS Professor Michael Porter studying inner-city economics.
A strong supporter of inner-city educational reform, Whitney has served on the board of KIPP Academy charter school in the bronx for over two decades. He is also on the board of the Pershing Square Foundation, a member of Manhattan’s Young Presidents’ Organization and so much more.
Today, I was given the opportunity to sit down and interview Whitney Tilson on his campaign to be the next mayor of New York City. While Whitney and I may not see eye to eye on all issues and solutions, it is clear that Whitney Tilson is a man who loves this city and is committed to being the change candidate that our great city so desperately needs.
In today’s conversation I sit down and talk to Whitney about his choice to run for mayor, his professional journey leading up to this moment, the lessons from Buffet and Munger that he would like to implement into his term, and so much more. Whether you are a resident of New York City or not, I trust this conversation will leave you better educated and inspired for what is yet to come.
I do hope you enjoy my chat with Whitney, and as always I would love to hear your feedback down in the comment section. Also, make sure to like the video and subscribe to the channel so you don’t miss an upload. And with that, my conversation with NYC mayoral candidate Whitney Tilson.
Disclaimer: The views in this video are strictly my own, and are not those of my employer.
00:00 Introduction
03:10 Who is Whitney Tilson?
03:50 Experience Helping Others
06:40 Why Teach For America?
10:30 Why Run for Mayor?
17:10 How Finance Career Will Help Him
19:00 Small Businesses are Struggling
23:25 Plans to Reduce Red Tape
28:40 Combatting Homelessness
30:44 Plans to Cut Crime by 50%
35:10 Current Anti-Business Issues
37:27 Plans to Make NYC Pro-Business
42:02 How to Build a Strong Team
47:49 The Top Priority on Day 1
49:30 How Fatherhood Changed His Perspective
53:46 How To Entice People To Return to NYC
58:38 Favorite Books
1:04:46: Lessons from Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger
1:09:17: Legacy
1:11:08: Why Vote for Whitney?
Tags: Whitney For Mayor, Whitney Tilson, Whitney Tilson For Mayor, 2025 NYC Mayoral Race, Bill Ackman NYC Mayoral Race, Whitney Tilson interview, Whitney Tilson Podcast, Whitney Tilson Harvard, Harvard Business School Interview, Kase Capital Management, Teach for America, cameron galbraith interview, NYC mayoral race, 2025 new york city mayoral race, 2025 NYC mayoral elections, 2025 NYC mayor, who is running for mayor of NYC 2025, NYC mayor interview